Listen to this weeks episode of Date Forever

The beginning is here: Make your Annual Game Plan - Sammi Jaeger

the future Jan 22, 2022


Happy New Year!

How was 2021 for you? Mine was a bit here-there-and-everywhere. I had some great days, celebrating my birthday and Mardi-Gras with some of my nearest and dearest, my first surf lesson, my first return to running-run after many years in retirement and the celebration of our 9th wedding anniversary. But I also had days that rolled into weeks that rolled into months that were just “meh” sometimes even less than “meh”.

If you listen to our show Date Forever, you likely heard me stretching to find things that fuelled me up some weeks, it’s not a nice place to be. And I know a lot of people were there with me as Australia and the world experienced more government mandated lockdowns, restrictions, additional rules and we continued with the Corona Virus Pandemic and the rollercoaster of logistics, emotions and feelings that goes with it.

I’ve done a lot of personal development, inner work with coaches and professionals to know that “this too shall pass” applies to me, my life and whatever is happening in any given moment, but while I was in the thick of it, gosh it was hard to believe. I’m eternally grateful for my husband who has learned how to hold space for me on those darker days.


We have flipped over the calendar to 2021 and I’ve set some new intentions, goals and plans for 2022, some things that I am excited about, other goals that will nourish my mind, body and soul and others that will stretch and challenge me to become even more of the person I want to be.


I really do believe that the future isn’t waiting for us, it’s created by us, so as we close out the first week of the year, I hope you’ve been able to take a moment to check in on your own 8 Fuel Tanks and consider which ones need a little more fuel and attention over the coming year and what that might look like for you.


If you need some help with the goal setting and planning (it can be super tricky to get the ball rolling) Nath and I have refined our process over the past 5 years or so and you can grab our Annual Game Plan Agenda here for only $27. It’s a mini course packed full of video lessons, conversation prompts, templates, checklists and an agenda to help you plan your own best 2022.

Thanks for riding the roller-coaster of 2021 & now 2022 with me and as coaster-buddies, I genuinely want to hear about your year in review, so please hit me up - [email protected] and lemme know what was your highlight? And if you are feeling vulnerable and open, perhaps your lowlight too?

Sending love and optimism!

1 down, 51 to go.



50% Complete

Two Step

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