Listen to this weeks episode of Date Forever

It's time to get your 2022 game plan in order - Sammi Jaeger

Hey Hey,

My husband Nathan and I got married in 2012. I was 23 years old and Nath just a smidge older at 24.

I feel wildly grateful to have already spent more than a decade with my person and yet we are still only in our early 30’s.

The first few years of our marriage, to put it kindly, were directionless.

We didn’t have a big vision or plan for our relationship or life and we really did just fumble our way through taking opportunities as they came, living very reactively and we hardly ever stopped to think if any decision big or small aligned with our values, priorities or goals.

The result was that we didn’t achieve a whole lot. Both as individuals or as a couple.

In 2014 we spent a big chunk of the year reacting to some curveballs which resulted in me moving from Adelaide to Sydney solo before Nath followed 6 months later. I started working in a new business that was also a bit directionless - no team meetings, no goals or directions, no targets to work towards and although I enjoyed my job, I was feeling suffocated by the lack of progress of the business. The business was playing small and it left me very little room to grow. After just one year and a couple of promotions, I had already hit my ceiling.

I started devouring even more books, podcasts, webinars about business to figure out what I could do to influence the growth of this business so that I too could continue to grow.

I wish I could tell you I was reading one book that sparked a paradigm shifting epiphany but it wasn’t like that. It was more a realisation that businesses who are succeeding have a vision and a plan and then they execute against it. Something both the business I was in and my marriage did not have.

So after this realisation, I applied this thinking to my relationship and in 2015, Nath and I held our very first Annual Planning Day. What is now known as our Annual Game Plan. The day we make a game plan for the year to come.

Neither of us had been particularly diligent goal setters before this and we didn’t really know how to go about doing it. We googled, we borrowed from business books and then chatted a lot, we got an annual wall calendar and mapped out days, dates and intentions for the following year.  We created a spreadsheet and projected money and decided what was important for the next 365 days and what could wait.

It has resulted in us kicking some pretty epic career goals, travelling a lot, starting a few businesses, launching a podcast, having clarity over our big aspirations and creating a relationship and life we are proud of in the here and now.

We have gone through and refined this planning process every year since and I can’t imagine our lives without this day.

Next weekend Nath and I will be sitting down for our 2022 Annual Game Plan Day and I wanted to share with you our agenda and templates, so if you’d like to add something like this to your own relationship, it won't take you 5+ years of iterations to create something that works.

We take one day to make the other 364 more awesome. 

You can get your hands on our agenda, templates, question prompts and video lessons for the very Black-Friday-ish price of $27. here.

And if that doesn’t tickle your fancy, I hope you’ll create the time and space with your person to Fuel Up your relationship and future for 2022 and beyond.

Sammi Jaeger


50% Complete

Two Step

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